Sometimes I like to take and edit photos. They're not usually incredibly amazing, but every now and then I manage to snap a picture that I really like. I typically use a Canon EOS Rebel T6.
I also occasionally take the time to create something artistic entirely digitally. My tool of choice is typically GIMP, or Pixelmator Pro.

A self portrait using some macro lenses I had. It was shockingly difficult to line everything up and keep myself in focus.

I ran a short camera workshop for some of my classmates to teach them the basics of manual mode on a camera.

This was an attempt to write a haiku as a collage. While the end result isn't exactly mindblowing, Miles (the one kicking the ball) was incredibly upbeat and fun to work with.

Nis watching the eclipse. Her red hair is so stunning that I feel guilty trying to touch up any photos featuring it.

During the 2024 Total Eclipse, I wanted to take some pictures of totality. I didn't have a lens that could capture the eclipse, so I took this picture by holding a pair of eclipse glasses up to my camera lens.

This was the first photo I ever took that I was really proud of. While it's not incredible, I still think it's very pretty.

This is one of my favorite photos that I've taken. The way the greens and purples work together has captured my heart completely.
I made this animation by hand on nearly forty sheets of printer paper. Then I scanned each page and composed them all together.

I got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the northern lights in New England. I only wish I had been more prepared so I could have taken photos with anything other than my phone.

This collage is designed to be printed and folded where it creates a miniature magazine. It can be read in a zig-zag pattern starting from the top right.

On a trip to New Zealand I got the chance to take this picture of an active volcano.

In order to clear the ice in this reflecting pool, we gave some very excited kids some rocks to throw into the water.